Your support is vital!
Alexandra (13) spent nine months on the street before the police arrested her for cocaine use. Maria (15) was first abused by her family and then by her ‘friends’ on the street. Thanks to one of the Amigos Colombianos programs, both women can now look towards a brighter future. We have already helped 400 girls in the same manner. Our presence remains absolutely vital, however, and so does your support!
We welcome support in all forms. We offer psychological help, education programs, employment programs, personal development programs… Colombia, however, is a stranger to public health funds or subsidies, let alone the idea of special care.
That’s why every euro is important! Your donation could make a difference in another person’s life!
You can donate as a company and obtain a tax benefit. If you wish to donate privately, you can make a one-time donation or a recurring one. Organisations such as sports clubs, schools and companies can organise funding drives… The list goes on.
Help fight the unjust fate of girls on the streets.
Donate directly, or email for more information or ideas!

Many people leave their possessions to family members, but also reserve a part of their inheritance for charities. For us – a foundation operating 100% on volunteers – such inheritances are of vital importance. It is very simple to have Amigos Colombianos included in your will; all it takes is contacting your notary.
Did you know we are exempt from paying taxes inheritance tax? That is because Amigos Colombianos is a so-called ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, or ANBI (English: Public Benefit Organisation). That means we can put your gift to maximum use.
Your donation will be an important contribution to our goal: offering young women temporary but integral support in building an independent life for themselves. If you’d like, you could even request specific destinations for your donation, such as education or housing.
Would you like someone to talk with about donating?
Then please contact